Current Neuro-Oncology

Volume 8 Number 3
31 March 2006

Home > Publications > Current Neuro-Oncology > Volume 8, Year 2006 > Number 3, 31 March

Franz DN, Leonard J, Tudor C, Chuck G, Care M, Sethuraman G, Dinopoulos A, Thomas G, Crone KR.
Rapamycin causes regression of astrocytomas in tuberous sclerosis complex.
Ann Neurol. 2006 Mar;59(3):490-8
. doi: 10.1002/ana.20784. Epub 2006 Feb 17. PMID: 16453317. Pilot study.

Phillips HS, Kharbanda S, Chen R, Forrest WF, Soriano RH, Wu TD, Misra A, Nigro JM, Colman H, Soroceanu L, Williams PM, Modrusan Z, Feuerstein BG, Aldape K.
Molecular subclasses of high-grade glioma predict prognosis, delineate a pattern of disease progression, and resemble stages in neurogenesis.
Cancer Cell. 2006 Mar 1;9(3):157-73
. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.02.019. PMID: 16530701. Laboratory investigation.

Schüz J, Böhler E, Berg G, Schlehofer B, Hettinger I, Schlaefer K, Wahrendorf J, Kunna-Grass K, Blettner M.
Cellular phones, cordless phones, and the risks of glioma and meningioma (Interphone Study Group, Germany).
Am J Epidemiol. 2006 Mar 15;163(6):512-20
. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwj068. Epub 2006 Jan 27. PMID: 16443797. Population-based study.

Shaw EG, Rosdhal R, D'Agostino RB Jr, Lovato J, Naughton MJ, Robbins ME, Rapp SR.
Phase II study of donepezil in irradiated brain tumor patients: effect on cognitive function, mood, and quality of life.
J Clin Oncol. 2006 Mar 20;24(9):1415-20
. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2005.03.3001. PMID: 16549835. Phase 2 trial.

Thompson MC, Fuller C, Hogg TL, Dalton J, Finkelstein D, Lau CC, Chintagumpala M, Adesina A, Ashley DM, Kellie SJ, Taylor MD, Curran T, Gajjar A, Gilbertson RJ.
Genomics identifies medulloblastoma subgroups that are enriched for specific genetic alterations.
J Clin Oncol. 2006 Mar 27;24(12):1924-31
. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2005.04.4974. PMID: 16567768. Laboratory investigation.

Dharuman V, Nebling E, Grunwald T, Albers J, Blohm L, Elsholz B, Wörl R, Hintsche R.
DNA hybridization detection on electrical microarrays using coulostatic pulse technique.
Biosens Bioelectron. 2006 Mar 29;22(5):744-51
. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2006.02.014. PMID: 16574397. Laboratory investigation.